The 18th international conference on harmful will take place in Nantes from October 21 to the 26. Synoxis Algae will be there with LUCY and her little brother NANO.
LUCY and NANO go to the 18th international conference on harmful algae
Every two years, ISSHA (International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae) organizes a conference on algae.
It is more than 600 international scientists that will meet in La Cité des Congrès of Nantes at the end of October 2018. The conferences will involve the breakthroughs in the field and problematics linked to public security like the species Alexandrium, Dinophysis, Pseudo-nitzschia…
The problematics on harmful microalgae is not essential to the aquaculture fied but is also important for tourism, renewable energy… This is why it is important that the sector’s players gather and exchange on achievements and solutions for the future.
Synoxis Algae is a partner of the even this year. The company wishes to participate to the evolution of the research in this field but also to the development of its territory. Nantes has welcomed in 2017 the 6th international congress of the society for applied phycology and is becoming a strong player in the microalgae field.
On our booth, you will be able to meet LUCY and NANO. Lucy is the adapted product for producing inoculum or as a study tool for research laboratories. Its little brother NANO will join her. Its compact aspect fills the expectations of the scientists. It can easily be put on a bench and has an extended version (two cultivation chambers on the same pilot system).
Synoxis Algae will go to the conference one week after presenting LUCY at the National Shellfish and Marine culture show for its 34th edition at the Chorus Parc des expositions of Vannes on Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18th of October. This show is a national meeting for the players of the aquaculture market, more than 90 exhibitors will present their materials, equipment and services and there will be more than 2000 visitors.